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Hello! I'm Wendy.

I work with highly intuitive people, helping them understand why they are highly intuitive and why they may be having extraordinary experiences which do not “fit” within the ordinary world. I believe these highly intuitive people are Conscious Innovators, who have an assignment for this lifetime. 


More about CoCreate Global...

Through this community, you will receive tools, resources and a network that supports Conscious Innovators in incorporating their extraordinary capacities into their daily experiences and using those capacities to actuate their life assignment. 

The Cocreate Orientation is the first step in opening your awareness to a new perspective of your Self and your life as a Conscious Innovator. We explore a few of the potentials of your consciousness which promote inner harmony; who  you are, what you are, and your purpose.


Welcome! You are here to discover if you are a Conscious Innovator and explore what is involved in actuating your life assignment. 

Are you a Conscious Innovator?

The metaverse universe, concept. Digital neural network.Business man hand touching Introdu

The wave of new Consciousness is presently happening.

There are 200 million Conscious Innovators - Starseeds, Multi-Dimensional Beings

and Entrepreneurs --- present in this realm of humanness at this time. 


Strong desire to improve the world

Have strong desires, ideas, and passion to improve the world.


Strong desire to go home

A strong desire to go home - a home they don’t know where it is


Highly Intuitive

Have intuitive experiences, some intense, that they can’t explain or know what to do with.


Seeking Direction

Feel they are supposed to be doing “something” but do not know what that something is. 

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